Mechanical Properties | |
Tensile Stength | 10,000 |
Tensile Elongation | 18 |
Tensile Modulus | 450,000 |
Izod Impact Strength | 1.25 |
Flexural Strength | 16,000 |
Flexural Modulus | 520,000 |
Compressive Strength | |
Compressive Modulus | |
Dynamic Coefficient of Friction |
Thermal Properties | |
Heat Deflection Temperature at 66 PSI | 325 |
Heat Deflection Temperature at 264 PSI | 225 |
Maximum Serving Temperature for Short Term | 300 |
Maximum Serving Temperature for Long Term | 185 |
Thermal Conductivity | |
Coefficient of Linear Thermal Expansion | 6.8 x 10^5 |
Flammability Rating |
Electric/Physical Properties | |
Volume Resistivity | 10^15 |
Surface Resistivity | |
Dielectric Strength | |
Specific Gravity | 1.42 |
Toughness | |
Rockwell Hardness Shore D | |
Water Absorption | 0.2 |